Healthy and cleaner environment

1. Fighting Pollution from Big Companies:

  • Holding Polluters Accountable: Big companies continue to pollute our land, air and water. I will fight for Blackpool North and Fleetwood to  implement strict regulations and enforce penalties to hold these companies accountable for their environmental impact.
  • Transparency and Monitoring: Will enhance transparency and monitoring systems to ensure that pollution levels are regularly reported and addressed.
  • Fleetwood Landfill area. I have been approached by local residents to speak up for the Fleetwood Landfill concern. I have in return joined the local activism group and wholeheartedly support the effort. I understand that it is a private group, and I have received a mixed response from the residents. I have researched extensively on the matter, for example there is a strong link between the Conservative Government whose secretary of state heads the department and his wife heads one of the departments elsewhere in the country and was not very long ago served a memo for unnecessary move of Anglian Waters from Milton area to Cambridge area. This move has its own downside; the most important being that the move to the new area according to experts will render the new areas useless for farming!  
  • The Fleetwood landfill area is emitting noxious gases that cause severe headaches and nosebleeds both for Adults and Children! THIS IS VERY WRONG.  Children are having to miss school which is detrimental to both their academic achievement and well-being. Children in Blackpool are already missing out on the optimum levels of educational attainment. This landfill in my view shoul dbe shut down. The private company has been investigated and ha salready been served notice to improve their practice, however it seems not enough is being done, from what I have learned from the activist groups I have joined. This is not simply a social issue. It is imparative that a Parliamentary Candidate Speaks up louder and fearlessly on this matter. 

2. Investing in Green Energy:

  • Solar and Wind Energy: I will fight for significant investments in green energy, including solar and wind projects. These renewable energy sources will reduce                                                                                           our carbon footprint and create sustainable jobs in our community.

3. Protecting Green Spaces:

  • Preserving Natural Areas: Will protect our green spaces from development and degradation. These areas are vital for the health and well-being of our                                                                                                 community, providing recreation, wildlife habitats, and natural beauty.

4. Promoting Public Transport and Sustainable Practices:

  • Eco-Friendly Infrastructure: Will develop infrastructure that supports cycling, walking, and other eco-friendly modes of transportation.

6. Empowering Local Residents:

  • Education and Engagement: Will launch educational campaigns to inform residents about the importance of environmental sustainability and how they can                                                                                                                     contribute to global climate targets.
  • Community Programs: Initiatives such as community gardens, recycling programs, and local clean-up events will be supported to foster a culture of environmental stewardship.

Vision: I envision a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for Blackpool North and Fleetwood. By holding polluters accountable, investing in renewable energy, protecting our green spaces, and promoting sustainable practices, we can build a future where our community thrives in harmony with nature.