national health services

1. Reversing Over a Decade of Underfunding:

  • End the Neglect: Over a decade of underfunding by the Tories has left our NHS broken and on its knees. We can no longer accept a system where local people struggle to book appointments and face hours of waiting for an ambulance. It’s time for change.

2. Substantial Increases in NHS Funding:

  • Comprehensive Funding: I pledge to fight for substantial increases in funding for our NHS. This will ensure that our hospitals, clinics, and health centers have the resources they need to provide timely and effective care.
  • Targeted Investments: Funds will be allocated to the areas that need them most, ensuring that every part of the healthcare system benefits and no one is left behind.

3. Expanding the Healthcare Workforce:

  • Training and Development: Continuous professional development and training programs will ensure our healthcare workers are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.

4. Improving Access to Healthcare Services:

  • Timely Appointments: Will streamline appointment booking systems to make it easier for local people to see a doctor when they need to, without long delays.
  • Enhanced Emergency Services: Investing in ambulance services will ensure faster response times and better emergency care for all residents.

5. Enhancing Patient Care and Support:

  • Holistic Care Approach: Will promote a holistic approach to patient care that integrates mental health services, social care, and preventive care to address all                                                                                                                     aspects of well-being.
  • Patient-Centered Services: Ensuring that patient needs and experiences are at the forefront of our healthcare system, with a focus on dignity, respect, and personalized care.

6. Community Engagement and Advocacy:

  • Involving Residents: Will continuously engage with the community to understand their healthcare needs and priorities. Regular consultations and feedback         mechanisms will ensure that our NHS services reflect the needs of Blackpool North and Fleetwood residents.
  • Strong Advocacy: Will advocate for our community's healthcare needs at local, regional, and national levels, ensuring that our concerns are heard and                           addressed by policymakers.

 Vision: We envision an NHS that delivers timely, effective, and compassionate care to every resident of Blackpool North and Fleetwood. By reversing the damage caused by years of underfunding, expanding our healthcare workforce, and improving access to services, we can restore our NHS to its rightful state: a world-class healthcare system that serves everyone with dignity and care.