Putting People first

Political parties have lost touch with the residents, the electors who vote for them. The MP is under pressure follow party lines, vote in the parliament in a certain way, or else she/he loses the whip. This is not how constituents want things to happen any more. They elect the MP and the MP better listen to them.  ONLY an MP elected  Independent of any political party can truly do that and ensure that the will of the people prevails. The current situation is not very promising, people tend to not know anything about the person standing under a party banner. All that wins a vote is the colour of their rosette or tie! Many politicians do write an autobiography but even that tells us nothing about them.

Beverly who I spoke with last week said, "Gita, I read many politicians' autobiography, and it tells me no more than I already know about them - Nothing!"

"It is time to stand up and be counted. Challenge the status-quo. Bring about the change  politics  needs and instead of reading autobiographies - write one"

no party or donor to please

None of the political parties are really free to completely place the voters before party politics. Every party has a major donor who wishes to be given something in return for lending  their money to the party. 

invest in families, children, and people constituency

I envision a constituency where families, children, and individuals are supported to reach their full potential. By investing in education, health, housing, and economic opportunities, we can create a thriving community in Blackpool North and Fleetwood. Join me in building a brighter future for everyone in our constituency. Together, we can make a difference.

Encourage local business

Locally and nationally, Labour and the Tories have shown that they don't want to put the interests of hard-working people first, but we do.

I will increase investment into Blackpool North and Fleetwood and create job opportunities for local people, especially in the green economy.

I want to build a thriving environment where Blackpool North and Fleetwood businesses can develop, grow and attract local talent.

Create Social Care system that works

I am committed on creating a social care system that provides equitable access to high-quality care for all residents of Blackpool North and Fleetwood. This includes addressing barriers to access and ensuring that services are available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

My  goal is to develop an integrated social care network that brings together health, housing, and community services. This holistic approach will ensure that individuals receive comprehensive care tailored to their unique needs.

I believe in creating a social care system that empowers local people and encourages them to live full, long and happy lives no matter their condition.

From mental health support to domiciliary care, the system needs a shake-up with compassion and care at the centre of it.

We will fight for a shift in social care policy that focuses on investment, engagement and empowerment.

Safer Streets and neighbourhood

Knife crime continues to be endemic across our city with many of our young people also involved in anti-social behavior and drug misuse.

I have worked with young people who were known to the police for carrying a knife. While carrying a knife is a crime and I do not endorse it, the law should take its course. However, it is crucial to recognize that knife crime does not stand alone as an element of criminal behavior.

There are several socio-economic and other factors that contribute to this issue, creating a revolving door phenomenon. For example, not all young people carry knives with the intent to use them. Some mistakenly believe that carrying a knife will protect them from crime or bullying.

Therefore, we need to delve deeper into understanding and addressing the root causes of knife crime. By tackling these underlying issues, we can create a safer community for everyone.

Ease Cost of Living Crisis/ Fair Wages

 I understand the urgent need to alleviate the financial pressures on households.  I will advocate for immediate relief measures, such as energy grants and discounts, to help families cope with rising utility bills and living expenses. 
I  will work to reduce the cost of essential goods and services by supporting local initiatives that provide affordable food, clothing, and healthcare. This includes backing food banks, community markets, and affordable healthcare programs.
I will continuously engage with the community to understand their needs and challenges. Regular town hall meetings, surveys, and feedback sessions will ensure that our policies are shaped by the voices of Blackpool North and Fleetwood residents.

Affordable housing

I will work to increase the availability of affordable housing in Blackpool North and Fleetwood. My goal is to reduce the financial strain on families and ensure that everyone has a safe and secure place to live.

By supporting the construction of new affordable housing developments, we will create more options for families and individuals seeking affordable homes. We will prioritize sustainable and community-focused developments that meet the needs of our residents.

My approach includes promoting energy-efficient and sustainable housing solutions that reduce utility costs for residents and contribute to environmental conservation.  

Clean Environment

Big companies continue to pollute our air and water and Labor has already u-turned on their green promises.

I will fight for investment in green energy including solar and wind whilst protecting our green spaces and increasing the windfall tax on energy companies.

I believe in supporting the use of public transport and making it easy for local residents to play their part in achieving global climate targets and building a sustainable future for all.

Support NHS 

Over a decade of underfunding by the Tories has left our NHS broken and on its knees. We can no longer accept a system where local people struggle to book appointments and face hours of waiting for an ambulance. It’s time for change. 

I pledge to fight for substantial increases in funding for our NHS. This will ensure that our hospitals, clinics, and health centers have the resources they need to provide timely and effective care.

We will invest in recruiting and training more doctors, nurses, and paramedics to reduce waiting times and improve patient care. By increasing the workforce, we can alleviate the pressure on our dedicated healthcare professionals.